
Monday, November 18, 2013

Kirat Vs Hinduism III

" Connexion of Mongolia and Kirat in Nepal Revealing the Mystery of Origin of Phallus Stone Worship. Now Kirat are very ancient tribe in history. They are the foremost settlers in the Himalayas region which was called "Kirat Desh" or "land of Kirat" in Veda and other ancient Hindu texts. Actually nobody knows when they came into Nepal because these people are mentioned in ancient religion book of Hindu like Veda, Puranas, and Ramayana and Mahabharata Epics. These people are also mentioned in ancient Greek history, Chinese history and Holy book of Sikh Guru Nanak. Kiratas are first mentioned in the Yajurveda (Shukla XXX.16; Krisha III.4,12,1), and in the Atharvaveda (X.4,14). These people are described in the ancient texts as indigenous people of Mongolian race, "gold-like", i.e, yellow in skin color with stout and short stature, high cheekbones, flat noses, narrow black eyes and thin mustaches and beards. They were brave and doughty warriors and very deft archers as described in the following verse; "Kairatam vesam asthaya kancana-druma-sannibham" Taking up a Kirata resemblance, like unto a tree of gold (IV,35,2); The Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharata viewed them as fearful and terrible highlanders. The Ramayana describes: "Kiratasca tiksna-cudasca hemabhah priya-darsanah, antar-jala-cara ghora nara-vyaghra iti srutah" upon translation is The Kiratas, with hair done in pointed top-knots, pleasant to look upon, shining like gold, able to move under water, terrible, veritable tiger-men, so are they famed. The Greeks known the Kirats by the name of Kirhadai. The last remnant of the ancient Kiratite or Cherethite tribe was found recorded in the book of 2 Samuel, 15 - 18. They were a martial tribe during the reign of the Syrian King David in 1049 BC. Then think again who were living in the Harappan civilization? 1.The Manusmriti identifies the Kiratas as one of the eleven tribes who inhabited the Indus-Saraswoti region.(Tiwari, 2002) 2. Kiratas first appear in the Yajur Veda (Shukla XXX.16; Krisha III.4,12,1) and in the Atharva Veda (X.4,14), 1400 B.C- 1000 B.C 3.The Kiratas were forced to move away from their homeland, Indus-Saraswoti region and into the Himalayas.(Tiwari, 2002) 4. Kirat came to the Himalayas including Nepal in about 700 B.C. (Baburam Acharya) Hence it is not surprising that crude(origin )form of phallus stone worship(shivaism) is found to be in practice among present day Kiratis. So did the practice of phallus stone worship felled into the hands of vedic Aryans?" 

Source:Connexion of Mongolia-KiratRevealing the Mystery of Origin of Phallus Stone Worship - from Youtube(c).htm

The first half of the article is pretty interesting and has tried lot to find the root of Kirats. But the latter half clearly shows that authors like Tiwari and Baburam are trying to manipulate some facts. This article itself says to contradictory things like. First he said kirats had mangolian features and yellow skin, however in second half its says that kirats were forced to move away from Indus - Saraswati region. Pretty strange.

 I feel Tiwari and Baburam Acharya needs to check their logic, again.

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