
Monday, December 5, 2022

MAGAR - Etymology (Nepal)

 As I was trying to find the possible meaning or the origin of the word Magar or say why Magars are called Magars. I could not find and satisfactory explanation of it in online media. So, I have decided to find it myself. Some names' origin is very easy to find like meaning of Sherpa, Newar, Madhesi, Bhote, Khas, Chettri, China, Iran, Asia, India, etc. However some names' meaning is very difficult to find in the absence of any written documents.

A tribe or a community acquire a name mostly on the basis of the place they live or their occupation or same origin. For example those who lived in Madhes are called Madhesi. Similary, those people who once lived in Kathmandu valley and speak Newari language are called Newars. In this type of names where the people acquire the names based on the specific location, they may have culturally and linguistically similar but we can find different caste system inside it. Both Madhesi and Newari are the perfect examples of it.

However, if  the tribe or community names is based on occupation or same origin, it is not only culturally and linguistically similar but the caste system will be missing in it. Since, inside Magars as far as I know we all treat ourselves equal, marriages are permitted with any Magar thars. I have never heard that a particular Magar is a low caste Magar inside the Magar community.    

 And there is one more aspect on this name part. One the name acquire by themselves based on best suitable reason or other names given by the outsiders based on how they see upon those people. So, in which category Magar will fall? 

While doing some research I have found many possible meanings of the word Magar. Some says its derived from the word Mongol, some says its derived from Magadh, and some says it is evolved from the word Mahar. Before moving to my version of hypothesis, I would like to mention that 'Magyer' tribe from Hungary makes the thing interesting here. Though, they have originally migrated from Ural region of Russia, but I have also read that before that they have migrated from China to Ural region. And Magars have the ancestral roots to China. However, a deep DNA, linguistic and other archeological study is required to confirm the relation between Hungarian Magyer and Magars from Nepal. Suppose in future it confirms that both tribes have a common origin, then we can assume that the legacy of the name Magar has deep pre-historical roots.   

My hypothesis will work best and my assumption that Hungarian Magyers and Magars of Nepal are not related. So, the best hypothesis the one I am convinced with is like this. As I have found the word Magar, in eastern part of Nepal or in other pronunciation is also called Mangar. Mangar is the word which makes it relatively easier to decipher. Lets assume Manger is made of two syllable 'Mang' + 'ar'. Now, here is the catch Mang has many meanings 'ar' simply means Child or descendants. There is one place called mount Mang in China, Mang is the name used by Chinese, Maung means younger brother in burmese language etc. so there can be many possible interpretations. But, the best one I have found if from the word, 'Tamang'. in Tibetan language Ta means horse and Mang means Warrior. So, Mangar can be loosely translated to the descendants of warrior or childrens of warrior. This hypothesis is best suitable is we assume that the name is acquired by the people themselves as everyone wants to show themselves superiors than others. The Aryans are the perfect examples. And there is no doubt that they must have belonged to a single clan or family tree back in China from where they have migrated. 

Similarly, I have found some other meanings like Sherpa = Shar (east) + Pa (people) people from east, Bhote = Bho is the other name of tibet, Bhotta than then bhote (people of tibet) etc.       

So, readers if you come across any other convincing meaning or some historically written fact, please do mention it in the comment. Lack of written scripts related to our history is the biggest hurdle and challenge to us. 


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