
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ORIGIN OF MAGARS OF NEPAL - II (Where did the Magar come from?)

After a long gap I finally feel confident to complete my unfinished work. Hope it will further enrich the knowledge of our own history & identity.

In one way it will be a kind of conclusion of all my work & articles collected so far.

As I will always say " There is no doubt that Magars have originated from Mongolian race. The biggest evidence is the resemblance of the physical feature. linguistic tree also shows the that the Magar language belongs to Sino-Tibetan family. (Ref: "


But again I need to clarify that when I say Mongolian Race that doesn't mean that we are from Mongolia. For me it only signifies related to physical resemblace. Or otherwise we can say that we are great grand fathers have been migrated from Northern side of Nepal where people have same physical features and same line of language. (Because Mongol name is itself coined around 1200AD)

There movement was definitely like tribe. Like around 1500 BCE vedic people started moving down towards Ganges after the fall of Indus Civilization. That was time when new tribes were moving to new places. In the same way they would have also moved to their present day place.

Now, the next question is when did they come and did they come.

Its pretty easy to answer the second question as most scholars agree and I have found in many articles that Magars have come from present day Sikkim & the they moved towards west. (Read: Magar: A view VIII ( By my friend Babs) at

In some articles I have read that Magars have come from India, I personally don't find it very logical.

Now the first question is when did they come to Nepal. In one of the article its mentioned they might have migrated around 1100 BCE (Read:  Magars, a short Histroy at
Here I totally agree with the writer. If we assume that we are a part of Kirat than Kirats were mentioned in Yajurveda which was composed from 1200-1000 BCE. The other example is Mahabharata which was composed around 400 BCE has also mentioned about Kirat King Yalambar. So, we can say that we might have migrated at our present day place around 1500-1100BCE. The second option is what if we are not kirats. But in my opinion if we are not kirats then also we are definitely migrated with them because we belong to the same stock. And there are lot of similarities among us. (Read: Magar: A view VIII ( By my friend Babs) at  Or we might have been more earlier here because Magar are more towards west as compared to so called present days kirats. Here I have tried to established the approx time when Magar migrated to Nepal.

However, we have lots of proof that we were among the first settle who settle in Nepal. As I have read in few articles where they claim that Aryans are the one who came first. The finest example is the Name of the places. Though, there would have been lot of changes in Magar culture since they came here, names of rivers, mountains and places itself proves the theory. This is one thing which time could not change.

Then little latter so called Khas tribe might have also started coming, however we can called them vedic people but not Hindus.

Some scholars says that Magar are Buddhist but in my opinion it doesn't seem so. Because, Gautam Buddha was born around 563 BCE and Magars were there before that. Secondly, in Vedas also lot has been written about Sakya clan, which Gautam Buddha belongs to. I personally feel that Magars were never influenced by Buddism at any point of time, only now there is much hype on it.

After this only mention of Magar comes around 800 AD when historians also agree that there was a strong Magar King called Aramudi who used to rule around Kali Gandaki region.

Now, what about the history of Magar before 800 AD and after they settle down in Nepal. Unfortunately, unlike vedic people we don't have vedas or epic like ramayan or mahabharata which can give us some sort of idea about that time. (If anyone has information of that era I would like to request him to share.) Neither our kings have tried to preserve our true identity or try to explore it.

But, one thing was sure that after Magar were settled they have started to grow bigger, from tribe they developed into principalities. However, the development was slow. However, in the meantime many Kings ruled and lot of activities happened in the Ganges plain but this region remain the same. But, the exact details like their area, names and internal politics are difficult to find.

However, by 800AD there was a Magar King, and an state.(Read:  Magars: A view VI at

Later, may be lack of strong Magar King, the kingdom got divided into different principalities. Which results into Barah Magarat and Atharah Magarat. Name itself suggest that these were ruled by Magar Kings. Until Prithivi Narayan Shah's unification.

After, muslim invasion started in Ganges plane around 13th Century AD the so called Bahuns started coming to Nepal. Which is agreed by most of the scholars. Because of the same reason Khas people started getting the priority. And they are the one who brought caste system in Nepal. At that time many elite Magars might have been converted into chhetri thats the reason why many titles have common in Magars and chhetries. 

And since they have entered through varanasi via Kali Gandaki region, that is one of the reason why Magars is one of the the most influenced of indigenous group by Hindu as compared to Gurung, Rai & Limbu. 

Here, I just want to  mention that Hinduism and the word Hindu itself come much later as you can read in my blog.

I am sure that Magars were the rulers of Gandaki and Rapti region till 1600 AD.

However, in one of my article  (Read: Magar: A view VIII ( By my friend Babs) at my friend Bab tried to explain that Shah were basically converted Magars. But how true the fact is needs to be researched. However, in that article he has tried to explain the origin of Magar.